
Your donations are powerful, and they keep moving our progress forward at a faster pace. In the world of historic preservation and development, pulling together the multiple avenues of grants, investors and tax credits can be a long process, and we need funds to continue our immediate goals of stabilizing the environments of our buildings, purchasing supplies for making repairs, ventilation, heating and electricity. In addition, we have costs of putting on several fundraisers each year.

There are several easy ways to donate:

  • Send us a secure payment through our PayPal link or use the donation form below. You do not need your own PayPal account to do so, you can use any debit or credit card.
  • Register as a supporter on Patreon. Not only will you be able to select any amount to donate monthly, and be able to view special content and videos related to our project, you’ll receive special thank you gifts at certain levels of support! Items include mugs, t shirts, calendars, weather rocks, and much more!
  • Mail checks to Reclaim Community, PO Box 9 Jasper, MN 56144
  • Visit our Etsy Shop to order your supporter merchandise!

Our Tax ID is 81-2872886. Donations to our organization can be claimed as deductions on tax returns. Any data collected for donations is strictly for use by Reclaim Community and is not sold or shared elsewhere according to this site’s privacy policy.

Donation Form

Personal Info

Donation Total: $100

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